Monday, December 31, 2007

Out With the Old, In With the New

Happy New Year, everyone! Well ... almost. I can't say that I am really sad to see 2007 go. It has definitely had its challenges. It hasn't been totally without its pleasures, but I can honestly say that I am more than ready for a fresh start with the coming of 2008. This is going to be a really great year!

As is tradition, I have been writing down some potential New Year's Resolutions to build a better, newly improved me in the coming year. Here are just a few ideas I have had:

New Year's Resolutions

Last year I set the resolution to lose 50 lbs so my life would be a little bit easier. I did it in no time! Once I had lost my 50 lb dumbbell set, I could no longer exercise and that was so much easier.

I wanted to set the resolution to make more money but the feds are really cracking down on counterfeiting.

I hereby resolve to be a happier person. When my wife says it is my turn to do the dishes, I will just look at her and laugh.

I resolve to be more forgiving this year. After I get even, I will promptly forgive you for the wrong you have done me.

I resolve to empty the garbage more often if my wife promises to sweep it up off the floor when I am done and put it in the trash can outside.

I will be more friendly to strangers by smiling and waving at every person I hit with a water balloon.

I resolve to stop snacking after midnight. There will now be a fourth meal served at 2 a.m.

I resolve to stop yelling at my kids so much. They will now receive spankings without warning.

I resolve to cut back on desserts. I now consider ice cream a side dish.

I resolve to make a better effort to drive the speed limit. But I should warn you - the upper limit on my speedometer is 120 mph.

I resolve to get better at balancing my checkbook and after that I will progress to juggling it.

I resolve to eat better. I will now chew each bite of pizza instead of wolfing down slice after slice.

I resolve to save more money this year using the presidential method. I will veto every bill that shows up on my desk.

Nothing is set in stone just yet, but I am kind of partial to the money saving resolution there at the end. :-) For a more serious look at resolutions, feel free to read the Celebrate 2008! series I wrote on The Millionaire Marathon blog.

I wish you all the best of success and the greatest of blessings in the coming new year!

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