Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Great Conflict That Divides Our Homes

I think that most of you will agree that the most popular films and books through the years have been those who have conflict as their main themes. It doesn't matter whether it is good vs. evil, popular vs. unpopular, parent vs. teenager, alien invaders vs. a tee'd off Will Smith, and the list goes on and on. In recent years, a new conflict has arisen from the media itself that greatly divides our nation.

No, I'm not talking about the recent presidential elections or the debates over whether the government's attempts at "bailing out" the economy are a good idea or not. No, this strikes much closer to home. In fact, the conflict has even taken place within our homes. The conflict I am speaking of is the loyal Twilight lovers vs. non-Twilight lovers. (By Twilight lovers, I mean fans of books by Stephanie Meyers, not the time of day people, well, you know....)

The female gender, from teens to mature, married women, have fallen head-over-heels for one Edward Cullen; a dashing young vampire who has fallen for a young, teenage girl that he finds inexplicably irresistible. And I do mean irresistible because one moment he wants to drink deeply from her lips and the next he wants to bite her neck and drink even more deeply there. It is another literary tale of forbidden love and a teenage male who, after 108 years of being a teenager, still wrestles with impulse control around a teenage girl.

My wife happens to be one of those more mature women who have been smitten by Twilight-Fever. She read the books, which really surprised me since she was never a fan of vampires and werewolves. Quite the opposite, in fact. But she fell head-over-heels for Edward and his rock-hard abs that glisten and glitter in the sunlight. She even expressed to me at one point that she wished I was more adoring of her like Edward is of Bella. While I was tempted to joke that most married men are like Edward - one minute they want to kiss their wives, the next they want to kill them - but after nearly 13 years of marriage I have learned it is wiser to keep such comments to myself.

The reason I even bring up the topic of this undead, thirsty heartthrob is my wife came across a website last night in her search for all things Twilight that serves as a support service for men whose wives have fallen victim to the wooing ways of the Cullens. It is called Twilight Widowers Anonymous* and it is hilarious. It offers everything from tips on handling the Twilight-obsessed to encouraging, motivational posters such as the one below to get you through your own personal ordeal.

The post that had both my wife and I roaring with laughter was My Lame Obsession Could Totally Beat Up Your Lame Obsession where the author pits ten icons that men have obsessed over through the 70's, 80's and 90's against Edward Cullen in a knock-down, drag out fight and evaluates who would win. I laughed so hard it hurt over the verdict of Edward vs. Optimus Prime.


It doesn't matter if you constantly return to the "Twilight Zone" as often as you can or if you tend to "zone out" whenever someone brings up Mr. Rock-Hard, Sparkle-Butt, you will get a kick out of this blog.

*If you do go to the Twilight Widowers Anonymous blog, be forewarned that there is some inappropriate language and an occasional inappropriate reference. Rated PG-13 for lack of original language and imagery.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Are You Real?

I came across a blog posting today where there was some concern about whether we should share our religious preferences and ideals on social networking sites like Facebook or just keep that separate. The reason the question was asked is because these sites link you to many people who would very well be outside your faith and there was some concern over them dropping you from their "friends" list or blocking you if you tend to share things that they don't believe in and/or agree with.

It is not my intention to raise that debate here. I have my opinion and you can follow the link above and visit the comments section to see how I feel on the matter if you wish. What I was curious about is how honest people really are about who they are when they post their blogs and network on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other popular social networking sites.

Please take a quick moment to share with us how real you are when you are online by answering the survey question in the margin of my blog. Please invite others to come and share their response as well!

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Little Funny...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Who Do You Think You Are?

I was reading a book today that really made me think about my life and the way I live it. It caused me to think about the way I think about and treat others, the way I think of and treat myself and the decisions I make each day. I have considered my life in these terms, but for some reason it really struck me today. So, I just want to throw it out there for any who comes across this to ponder and reflect on and hopefully to share further with others:

How do you see yourself?

As a human being having an occasional spiritual experience?

... or ...

As an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience?

Think about it for a moment. The way you answer this question makes all the difference in the world!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Proof that the Law of Attraction Works!

I don't know about the rest of you but I have noticed that whenever I choose to water the lawn, no matter how clear the sky is at the time, it rains within 24 hours. Now, if I were on irrigation it wouldn't bother me so much. It would already be covered by the $200+ that I pay to the Kennewick Irrigation District every year. But, even though I am forced to pay for it, I don't have irrigation anywhere near my property. So every time I water my lawn I have to use city water which is an added expense. So watering the lawn just before it rains is pretty much like throwing a wad of dollar bills out into the grass for whoever wants it.

What does all this have to do with the law of attraction? Hold on a second. I'm getting to that.

I finally had the opportunity to mow my lawn last night for the first time in three weeks because it rained or was raining during the only available times I had to mow. Because it was so tall it took me right up until it was dark to finish. When I woke up this morning I thought, "I should probably water the lawn now that it is short."

I checked the sky and it was looking a little overcast. I went on weather.com and checked the forecast and it showed that there was a chance of rain about mid-day for an hour or two. I decided to wait and water the lawn tonight if the rain didn't happen to pan out.

I read from the scriptures for about 15 minutes before heading out to play basketball and when I opened the door ... it was raining!!! And it kept raining for most of the morning. So now all I have to do is think about watering the lawn and it will start raining.

LoA Principle: What you think about, you bring about.

My wife now thinks I have an attractive mind and an attractive body!