Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lonely Mornings

It's funny how you never really realize how much you enjoy and appreciate the simple things in life until they are gone. Just think about all the simple things you take for granted on a day to day basis that you would miss the minute they are taken away from you ... refrigeration ... electricity ... running water ... indoor plumbing!!! Take any one of those away for a single day and you quickly realize how much you appreciate those simple conveniences.

I have recently realized how much I appreciate a small convenience that I have enjoyed each day as I get myself ready for work. I still have running water in the shower. I still how electricity to power my lights and heat my water. I still have indoor plumbing for ... you know. And my food is still chilled as I pull it out to prepare my breakfast and lunch. What I miss is my morning bathroom buddy.

My five year old son is the "early" riser out of my three boys. He would wake up every morning between 6:30 and 7 a.m. just as I was getting in the shower. He would come in the bathroom, crawl up on the counter and sit there as I got myself ready for the day. He would pull razors, shaving cream, deodorant and other items I use as I get ready out of the cabinet and put them back when I was done with them; all the while asking questions and making idle conversation. He would even volunteer his cheeks for any aftershave that was left on my hands so that he could smell just like me. After I was done getting ready he would say, "Let me smell you, dad!" As I leaned down close he would inhale deeply and then say, "Mmmm, you smell good!"

After we were done in the bathroom, he would follow me into the kitchen, still chattering away, and watch me prepare my breakfast and lunch. When I was ready to head out the door he would give me a hug goodbye saying, "I like you, Dad," and sometimes even adding in a "Have a good day!" He would then watch me get in my car and then wave to me as I drove away.

Starting this week my hours have been changed from five 8-hour work days to four 10-hour work days and I am required to be at work by 6:30 a.m. making it necessary for me to leave by 6 a.m. The house is dark, quiet and lonely as I am forced to get out my own personal care items and put them back when I am finished. Any excess aftershave is wastefully rinsed down the drain. There is nobody to chat idly with and nobody waves to me from the window as I drive away.

But there is an "up" side to all of this...

Due to the rotating nature of my shift, every other weekend I get a four-day weekend as I get both Friday and the following Monday off. On these days I get to hang out with all three of my boys and help them get ready in the mornings. I get to make them breakfast; chattering idly with them the whole time. And then, when the time comes, I get to walk my two older boys to their bus stops and wave goodbye to them as they ride off to their schools where they will satisfy their "yearnin' for some learnin'". Then I get to spend the rest of the day playing with my youngest and with my wife while I wait for them to return. These long weekends ought to help make up for all the lonely mornings I have to endure.