Friday, October 3, 2008

Let's Be Foolish

Kurt Godel: I would rather be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right.


Since the production of The Secret in 2006, the Law of Attraction (LOA) has been a hot topic on talk shows, in articles and among friends and family all over the world. LOA, in its most basic form, says that we attract into our lives that which we focus on. If your focus is primarily on how terrible your life is, you will attract terrible experiences to you. If you focus on how great each and every day is, you will attract great experiences each and every day.

I don't know what your personal take is on LOA, but I am a believer in it. That is one reason why the quote above me describes my personal philosophy so perfectly. I would rather think optimistic and happy thoughts and be considered a fool by the general populace than be a grumpy, bitter pessimist waiting for that moment when I can shout to the world, "See? I told you! The world is going to H - E - Double Hockey Sticks in a handbasket just like I told you it would!" Do you really want to live your life like that?

I love being an optimist!

  • Being optimistic makes me excited to get up every morning just so I can see what wonders and miracles are in store for me that day.

  • A pessimist hates having to wake up to another dreary, disappointing morning.

  • As an optimist I am more aware of and constantly looking for beautiful things that I may encounter throughout the day that add to my joy of living.

  • Pessimists see the litter and garbage.

  • My optimistic nature opens me up to look for opportunties to improve my life and the lives of those around me.

  • The pessimists can't see any hope for improvement and constantly reaffirm how bad things are.

  • Optimists are more ready to take risks and, win or lose, learn and grow by the experience.

  • Pessimists don't dare take the risk because it will never work out.

  • Optimists say, "I can do it!"

  • Pessimists say, "I don't stand a chance."

There are many more ways we could illustrate the differences between optimists and pessimists. But each and every example points out how pessimists miss out on the joys of life. You don't want that, do you?

Come on! Let's be foolish!

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